1944 RHODES / Sass.10aa, strip-of-3 RODI with German overprint WEIHNACHTEN 1944, overprint DOUBLE OMITTED; very fine used multiple with certificate Pickenpack; c.v.. 4.500€, very rare (see Sassone 23, page 1142)
1947 RHODES / Brit. occupation (earlier under Italian administration), Sass. 14 - George VI. 2Sh6p M.E.F. (Middle East Forces) on Reg letter from Rhodos to London, cancel. RACCOMANDATA ASS. RODI EGEO / 8.3.47; very fine and rare letter, c.v.. 5.000€ (Sassone 23 page. 1124), extraordinary offer!
1853 Mi.17b, Maury 18b, Napoleon III. 1Fr dark carmine, block-of-5 + 1 stamp (!) on cut-square with numeral pmk "3256" (ST. QUENTIN); signs of age, tearing in margin, significant color, unique multiple, c.v.. Maury for block of four and 2 stamps 53.000€, scarce!
1944 LIBERATION / revolutionary local issue CLERMOND - FERRAND revolutionary local issue Chouze sur Loire, c.v.. Mayer 1, "Petain" 1,50Fr, with overprint POUR LIBERATION NATIONALE + 100Fr, OVERPRINT on back side, exp. Scheller, c.v.. 420€++, rare!
1849-1959 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 12 pages from stockbook, mostly middle and better stamps, Ceres, Napoleon, Allegory, special issue, air-mail, postage-due, i.a. also rare specialties for example. Allegory 10 type II., "Paix" 1932 40C type II ** block of four, atypical postmarks etc.; cat. min. 12.500€
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.15a, Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; unused piece with original gum, small thin place at upper margin, overall fine, exp. Diena, certificate Zanini, c.v.. 7.000€
1941 KEFALONIA A ITHAKA / Italian occupation, Sass.81, stamp in form of pair of Greek "Beneficenza" 1Dr+1Dr blue, with hand-made overprint; very fine, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. 6.000€
1918-1987 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION / of valuable items from of whole period, rare overprints, Chain Breakers, production and printing flaws also modern issue, total 46 certificates of various experts, placed in 1 stockbook for entires in spiral folder; high catalogue value
1918 Austrian freight dispatch-note FRACHTBRIEF with printed revenue 30h for C.O.D. mailing to Triesenu, i.a. with railway-station postmark SCHAAN-VADUZ from 13.IV. 1918; rare
1925 SG.D1var, D5a, Postage due stamp pair ½P with plate variety "BROKEN D" (known but uncatalogued), then pair 2½P L "2" OF ½ OMITTED; minor faults, c.v.. £900++
1868-1871 3 letters with issue 1868 and 1869, 1x commercial envelope sent as money letter for 450 tolars from Berlin to Dresden, with 1Gr+2Gr+2x 5Gr, CDS BERLIN OST. STATION 14/4 68, Reg letter sent from Hamburg to Prague with 1Gr+5Gr, CDS HAMBURG 13/3 69 + envelope sent as Reg from Hamburg to Frankfurt, with 1Gr+2Gr, CDS HAMBURG 3/3 71, supplemented with red frame cancel. Recomandirt; good condition
1945 War forgeries / Mayer 1a, FUTSCHES REICH - A. H. 12Pfg imperforated as blk-of-4, printed in Rome by US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) for "Operation Cornflakes"; minor faults, certificate Mayer, c.v.. 5.200€, rare
1872-1920 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting small collection on 5 pages, Small and large shield incl. better values 2 Kreuzer, 9 Kreuzer and 18Kr, then for example Mi.30, issue Scenes REICHSPOST incl. 5M etc..; chosen quality incl. postmarks, high catalogue value, we advice viewings!
1942 FRANCE / Französische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Polar bear" 100Fr; mint never hinged, minor paper flaw, otherwise very fine, size 93x116mm, c.v.. 800€
1941-1943 [COLLECTIONS] small collection with complete sets as Mi.31-45, 46-49, 66-70 (blocks of four), 82-85, 86-89, souvenir sheets Bl.1-4 (viewing of quality recommended), Klb. 94-98, also postage-dues, types and variants Mi.54-57 etc..; various quality, overall good to fine, higher catalogue value, we advice examination!
1884-1918 [COLLECTIONS] MARSHALL INSELN, MARIANA ISL., D. SOUTH-WEST AFRICA, D. NEU GUINEA, CAMEROON, CAROLINE ISLANDS, CHINA, MOROCCO, D. EAST AFRICA, TURKEY / collection on old pages in glassine envelopes, all except Toga and Samoa, complete sets, better values, included to sum as basic variants without types and colors and plate varieties; fine, c.v.. 4600€ ++
1913 LZ 17 SACHSEN - LEIPZIG - ZITTAU / photo postcard sent by 1. flight to Zittau, with Germania 5Pf with oval deck cancel. LUFTPOST / ZEPPELIN SHIP SACHSEN 7.9.13 + violet deck round cancel. AN BORD DES ZEPPELIN - LUFTSCIFFES SACHSEN 7. Sep.; good condition, very fine postal imprints, rare occurrence!
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / air mail sent card to New York, franked with Zeppelin stamp 2RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.497 and postage stamp 65Pf, posting deck cancel. LUFTPOST GRAF ZEPPELIN 16.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet, arrival postmark AKRON Oct.25. 1933; good condition, rare
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / Sie.238Aba, airmail sent letter to New York through Pernambuco, franked with Zeppelin stamp 1RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.496 and airmail stamp 50Pf, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 14.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet, mounted private label Zeppelin, on reverse transit Districto Federal 18.Out.1933; fine, rare, c.v.. 925€
1933 CHICAGOFAHRT WELTAUSSTELLUNG / Sie.238Aab, airmail letter to Jena through Rio de Janeiro, franked with Zeppelin stamps 1RM CHICAGOFAHRT, Mi.496 and postage stamps Hindenburg, CDS BERLIN 14.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet and red cachet of connecting flight Berlin - Friedrichschafen, on reverse transit Districto Federal 18.Out.1933 and arrival postmark BERLIN 5.11.33; without defects, rare, c.v.. 925€
1913 SCOUTING / PADVINDERS KAMP / two lined black cancel. on Ppc sent to Haag, with Numerals 2½c, CDS IJMUIDEN 24.7.13; bend, after all very rare scout entire
1932 ZEPPELIN / FAHRT NACH DEN NIEDERLANDEN, sent by airmail, uprated PC to Germany, CDS ROTTERDAM 15.VI.32, supplemented with MC FRIEDRICHSHAFEM 19.6.32 and blue flight cachet; good condition
1823-1848 CZECH LANDS / selection of 10 letters from various military units, some better postmark i.a. OLMUTZ frame, V. GITSCHIN Vot.č.1; then interesting returned letter from Jihlava etc.., very fine set from important collection, catalogue Votoček. 730P
1841-1849 CZECH LANDS / 7 better letters with blue postmarks, militar KUTTENBERG + FRANCO, money CHRUDIM, PILGRAM with hand written date, REICHENAU + FRANCO + RECOMMANDIRT, then TETSCHEN, KOMOTAU, KROMAU, catalogue Votoček. total 830P (!)